What’s Good?

That New-New!

In print, I have an essay in Bellevue Literary Review, issue 45. The essay, “If You Scared, Say You Scared,” is from my memoir essay collection-in-progress. The issue is available for pre-order here.

I also have a new essay over at the Burrow Press Review. I’m thankful to be included in this special issue from Burrow Press. I’ve been taking more creative risks with my work, as well as exploring ways to infuse my love of astronomy into my work more regularly.

Working with Writers is a Joy

It seems like it’s been a long while since I taught a class. Actually, it has been a while. Since ending my tour then taking my summer sabbatical, it feels like it’s been forever since I’ve taught a class. I don’t know if y’all missed me, but I missed y’all.

Teaching writing classes, both virtually and in-person, has been a part of my life for over a decade. From teaching composition at the old day job (twelve years as full-time faculty no less!) to leading classes with Kitchen Table Literary Arts, Free Expressions, the GCLS Writing Academy, the Porch, 2nd Story, and Story Studio Chicago (where I serve as core faculty) have been a gift that keeps on giving.

Working with writers is a joy. I learn so much from each class, not just about the writers’ work, but my own work. A good teacher approaches each class with a spirit of “we” and knows without a doubt that every story, experience, approach, and resource shared has the power to challenge and inspire us, from a multitude of different directions.

I’m thankful for every opportunity I get to work with other writers and look forward to this fall season of classes, workshops, and conferences.

The Promise

The first chapter of a novel or the beginning of a short story is an invitation from writer to reader to embark on a journey together. In this four-week generative writing class, we’ll dissect novel, chapter, and story starts to uncover the implicit agreement between writer and reader, characters and story, place and plot that informs the beginning of all compelling stories. Then, we’ll apply what we’ve noticed to our own work using writing prompts and exercises to craft first sentences and first paragraphs that will invite and inspire continued reading.

Note: No class on 11/22.

Southern Black Writers Conference

November 10th-12th 2023, writers will gather to connect with renowned Southern workshop facilitators stationed at historical locations, panels with renowned Southern authors, field trips tethered to the thriving Black Wall Street scene, and more! Our goal is that after a weekend of writing in Durham, attendees will leave our conference energized, empowered, and inspired to take the seeds learned at Griot & Grey Owl back to their own communities.

I’ll be leading a workshop, “Octavia Taught Me,” to help writers build and sustain accountability in their creative practice.

Novel in a Year: Applications Open 10/17

At StoryStudio, we’re here for writers at every step of the journey. Our advanced writing programs are designed especially for experienced writers seeking specialized, long-term support as they work on book-length projects and prepare pieces for publication.


Down Shift


Be Gentle