Be Gentle

Sorta Kinda Back

I’m back. But I ain’t back-back. That’s to say my two months away from social media really encouraged me to take a look at how much time I spent on social media apps, what kind of media I consumed throughout the day, and why I sometimes put pressure on myself to produce and promote.

Just like the last time I did a social media fast, I found myself taking more time to think, more time to sit in the quiet, and more time to focus on my work. I also found myself doing less comparison, spending less time upset and worried about the state of the world, and being less concerned with documenting so much of my day.

Even as I realized the shift in my mood and productivity, I still haven’t quite my goal of finishing my memoir draft, which was the point of the social media cleanse after all.

At first, I was really bummed. Upset and frustrated, I got caught up in some negative self talk about my abilities and my talent. I had to shut that shit down though.

Writer and reproductive justice activist Eesha Pandit said to me some time ago, “Success is not linear.” I had to remind myself of that in those moments of frustration. I had to take time to acknowledge what has been going well, what I have accomplished during the time I stepped away from social media.

I have two essays coming out soon. I finished an important interview for an essay in progress. I went on a road trip with my father and spent time with family and friends. I read more books than I have in awhile. I didn’t finish a draft of my memoir, but I have made progress—finishing my book proposal draft, further organizing my research, and making strides on outstanding drafts.

It wouldn’t be fair to say my fast wasn’t successful because I didn’t finish my memoir draft. It ain’t right to say it didn’t work or didn’t make a difference. It did. I have a lot of work to do still and that means coming back to social media with more intention about how much, when, and why I’m posting.

I’m going to be gentle with myself as I ease back into the social media fray, gentle as I continue my work on book.

Cosmic Connections

I’m excited to return to IG in conversation with my good friend Christina Arenas! In her IG Live series, Cosmic Connections, Christina, a certified sound healer and Reiki practitioner, explores how folks cross paths with each other and create meaningful connections of friendship and community, often times beginning with—what seems like at the time—small moments and casual encounters.

Christina and I met about ten years ago at a community event, and I can’t wait to reflect on our journey of friendship and sisterhood. Join us!

Happy Birthday KTLA!

I’m thrilled to celebrate NINE YEARS of literary community-building with Kitchen Table Literary Arts! We’re celebrating with an open house (Come see The Writer’s Room!), panel discussion, and readings! Come through!

Want to celebrate us with a gift? Consider a tax-deductible donation to Kitchen Table Literary Arts to help us meet our $6k goal!

One Time for The Porch!

I’m still working on my memoir, so I’ll be taking on fewer classes over the next few months. But of course I couldn’t pass up a chance to teach for my friends at The Porch!

In this four-week generative writing class, we’ll dissect novel, chapter, and story starts to uncover the implicit agreement between writer and reader, characters and story, place and plot that informs the beginning of all compelling stories. Then, we’ll apply what we’ve noticed to our own work using writing prompts and exercises to craft first sentences and first paragraphs that will invite and inspire continued reading. Class meets via Zoom, Thursdays (Nov. 1 - 29).

Note: No class on 11/22.



What’s Good?


Deep Work