
The Empowered No

I been saying it, but it’s getting real! I’m booked and busy for the last bit of May and June. I just got back home from Mineral Point, which was a delight; Shake Rag Alley is always a great time! I taught a three-day workshop on memoir and personal essay and read from the tenth anniversary edition of Once and Future Lovers at Mineral Point’s brand-new book store, The Republic of Letters.

The weekend was a great return to the road and perfect kick-off to the second half of the hybrid book tour for my book. Coming up next are stops in Chicago, Atlanta, and Denver. It’s been a long time since I did this much travel, the pandemic shut-downs notwithstanding, it’s just been a minute since I’ve had so many flights and stops in my schedule. I’d be lying if I said it’s been easy. The little break in-between the dates, a half-time rest of sorts, helped energize me for these next few trips, but I’m also trying my best to move with ease. That means getting to the airport early so I ain’t stressed and pressed with security lines and crowded gates. That means staying hydrated and as well-rested as possible while away from home. That means listening to my body and setting boundaries when presented with overstuffed agendas and impromptu requests to do more than what was agreed.

It’s not always easy to say, “no.” It’s especially difficult when, in the moment, the ask seems like a small additional request or when, as per your history, you’re used to people-pleasing. Many times that compulsion to do more, to overextend yourself, comes from an attitude of scarcity, where you feel like if you say “no” you’re going to miss an opportunity, or an attitude of inadequacy, where you don’t think what you’re doing and what you’ve already done is enough.

I’ve said it before, and I’m going to keep saying it, SCARCITY IS LIE. And I’mma tell you, in case ain’t nobody told you today, "YOU ARE ENOUGH.”

Set boundaries. Say no. It will be fine. Sometimes, it will even be more than fine.

Workshop, Panel, and Readings

It’s wild that “workshop” and “panel” is singular, ain’t it? That’s intentionaler than a mug! Moving with ease, my friends, and rocking out in June before going creative-hermit-crab for the summer. Y’all betta get while the gettin’s good… Love you and hope to see you soon!

Let’s Play!

In this single-session workshop, writers will explore point of view as both a craft element and an opportunity for play and practice. Through interactive readings, discussion, and writing exercises, writers will examine point of view as a portal of exploration in their prose and their creative practice.

[One-Day Masterclass, Sunday May 28, 2023 2-4 pm ET on Zoom]


Tour Stops in Chicago, Atlanta, and Denver

The month of June is busy-busy with stops in Chicago for two events: My first-ever curation experience for 2nd Story and a storytelling/reading event for Pride at Women and Children First Bookstore! I’ll also be in Atlanta at the always lovely Charis Books and More for a reading and podcast event with the always fabulous ZAMI-NOBLA!

After a short stop back home, for a conversation with Micki Berthelot Morency at Tomobolo Books in celebration of her debut novel, I’ll be back on the road for my last trip, the GCLS Conference in Denver. It’s going to be busy, but it’s going to be beautiful! You already know!



SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2023



Used by the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu in shaping South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commision, ubuntu is a shared concept across the continent, and in Zulu translates to "I am because we are." This powerful philosophy allows us to explore how we, as individuals, are molded by our relationship to the broader community.

As part of 2nd Story’s Black Joy performances, Ubuntu: Finding & Making Community, these experiences are presented through three storytellers who share how community was found and affirmed through their individual journeys of finding commonality and support.

Ubuntu: Finding and Making Community is presented as part of 2nd Story's "Point of View'' programming. Given the nature of 2nd Story's work and the diversity of artists we collaborate with, we have the unique opportunity to build community among and share the stories of marginalized groups by building teams for our shows that share a particular point of view. It is our honor to be a conduit for these collaborations. Ubuntu: Finding and Making Community is led, produced, and performed by Black artists.

2nd Story's "Point of View" programming is supported by the Walder Foundation.


Join Angela Davis for the ZAMI NOBLA Podcast in conversation with writer Sheree L. Greer as they talk about writing, building community, and the release of Greer's latest book, the Tenth Anniversary Edition of Once and Future Lovers. In this provocative, anniversary edition collection of short fiction, characters grapple with the courage it takes to love once while discovering the inherent challenge put to all lovers: embracing or denying the possibility of loving again, and again.

Join in-person or virtually with Crowdcast!


The GCLS’s annual conference is the premier literary event for both authors and readers. The event brings together readers, fans, writers, editors and publishers to celebrate women-loving-women and sapphic literature. The 19th Annual Conference will be held in Denver, CO beginning on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 and ending on Sunday, July 2, 2023.


Deep Work


But First…