Let’s Go

I’ve Missed You!

After taking the summer away from teaching, I have to keep it real… I missed y’all! I was able to move some personal projects forward—the memoir, the short story collection, the grammar and writing books—but mostly, I took the summer to rest a lil’ bit, do community work, and transition away from full-time faculty life.

The transition from “Professor Greer” life has been interesting. I cleaned out my office and have been reflecting on all the ways this change will inform my approaches to craft, to making money, to living my life. Having left the fear behind, I’m ready to walk intentionally and confidently into my new writing life.

I’m excited to continue my writing work and can’t wait to see what new approaches, rituals, and practices will invigorate my upcoming projects. I’m also looking forward to easing into my birthday (September 15th!) and gliding into fall by reconnecting with writers through my independent teaching gigs!

Check out the opportunities to work with me starting as early as next month, and please help spread the word about these classes and workshops to writer loves in your life.

MTSU Writes!

This year’s conference theme is “Truth or Dare: Writing Beyond the Boundaries of Form, Genre, Tough Topics & Taboo'' and will feature classes and presentations that will invite you to edge out of your comfort zone, be it in terms of writing in a new form or genre or approaching topics that scare you.

I’m teaching a ninety-minute virtual workshop on memoir! Owning It: Boldly Telling Your Story with Sheree L. Greer, 1:30-3:00pm CT

Beginnings and Endings

I’m rocking with my good friend Lorin on a couple webinars for the 2022-2023 Free Expressions webinar series!

In this interactive writing webinar, we will explore how chapters work and their function in longform storytelling. In examining the way chapters open and close, we will develop strategies for creating and sustaining compelling plot movement in our work.


Me and the Porch Got an Ongoing Love Affair

Join me for TWO opportunities in October! I’ve been invited back and I couldn’t be happier! Both the class and the workshop are writer favorites!

Registration for You Are the Protagonist: https://www.porchtn.org/class/you-are-the-protagonist

Registration for Write, Submit, Repeat: https://www.porchtn.org/class/write-submit-repeat-an-interactive-workshop-on-literary-journal-submissions

Staying Connected to the Chicago Writing Scene Brings Me Joy!

And this time we get to try something new! I’m teaching Reckoning with Remembrance again, but I’m thrilled to announce the Six-Month Spark, which is a chance to work with me over a more extensive engagement. The Six-Month Spark is perfect for folks who plan to apply to the Novel-in-a-Year or anyone who craves monthly accountability and support through their longform project!


Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now


Free Preview Class